Daycare illnesses are a constant battle for childcare facilities in Atlanta, GA. Infants and young children are particularly vulnerable to poor indoor air quality, which contributes to the spread of daycare illnesses. If you run a daycare or preschool, make sure your indoor air quality isn’t making kids and your staff sick.
Better commercial heating and cooling systems, as well as indoor air quality products, combat daycare illnesses in your childcare facility. This equipment reduces allergens and contaminants which cause or aggravate physical symptoms and health issues.
Estes Commercial offers quality equipment as well as dedicated commercial HVAC installation, repair, and maintenance services to help you care for your facility’s air quality.
Indoor Air Quality’s Impact on Daycare Illnesses
Childcare facilities house many people, adults and children, in smaller spaces, which alone is a detriment to indoor air quality. Older buildings often lack upgraded HVAC and indoor air quality systems, and maintenance for existing equipment may not be up to date.
Building materials and a facility’s contents are other potential sources for airborne contamination. These issues make indoor air quality a prime concern for childcare facilities in the fight against daycare illnesses.
Indoor air quality has a direct impact on the prevalence of daycare illnesses and their spread throughout a building. Poor air quality and lack of air circulation allow airborne bacteria and viruses to spread to surfaces and throughout a childcare facility.
High relative humidity levels indoors allow viruses to live longer indoors, with the potential to cause a higher rate of daycare illnesses, increased absenteeism, and re-infections.
Those who suffer from allergies experience increased symptoms when indoor air quality is poor. As bacteria cells break down, some children react to the endotoxins produced. Endotoxins from bacteria in soil are tracked in from outdoors as well. Children and infants are more vulnerable to poor air quality. Their immature immune systems create a haven for contaminants. They are more likely to develop respiratory and other illnesses from exposure to pollutants.
Without the proper indoor air quality solutions, these contaminants remain. In addition, there are many pollutants within indoor air which trigger allergy and asthma symptoms.
These include dust, pollen, dust mites, insect or rodent droppings or secondhand smoke from clothing and other personal items. Some people with asthma even experience triggers from various scents, such as new paint, adhesives or a person’s toiletries.
Indoor Air Quality Solutions Fight Against Daycare Illnesses
HVAC and indoor air quality equipment help childcare facility owners improve indoor air quality to lower instances of daycare illnesses. The following solutions benefit childcare businesses with the goal of air quality improvement:
Upgraded heating and cooling equipment
Older, poorly maintained heating and cooling systems are a pitfall to air quality, as they lack the performance and features necessary to control contaminants.
A new commercial HVAC system achieves better performance with increased airflow and humidity control indoors. Plus, a modernized energy-efficient HVAC system cuts energy costs.
Ventilation systems
A lack of ventilation is a leading cause of poor indoor air quality in childcare facilities. Why? Because stagnant air contributes to the spread of bacteria, viruses and contaminants which cause daycare illnesses. Installation of ventilation systems increases airflow to control the spread of illnesses inside as well as aid in moisture control.
Dehumidification systems
Humidity contributes to the spread of daycare illnesses and must be controlled. A dehumidifier removes excess moisture to limit the spread of illness-causing contaminants and allergens. Dust mites flourish in a damp environment, for example.
Daycares have many soft surfaces, such as curtains, toys and other furnishings where dust mites gather. Without humidity control, dust mite populations explode, triggering allergies and asthma events.
Air cleaners
Every time kids come indoors from playtime, they track in more contaminants and add them to the indoor environment. Without the proper equipment, these contaminants continue to accumulate.
Air cleaners remove contaminants as air circulates through the HVAC system, offering efficacy rates up to 99 percent.
Reduce Daycare Illnesses, Absenteeism and Energy Expense with Estes Commercial
In conclusion, keep daycare illnesses at bay in your Atlanta, GA childcare facility with the right commercial HVAC and indoor air quality solutions from Estes Commercial. Poor air quality contributes to respiratory illness, such as allergies and asthma. Airborne virus and bacteria also circulate through the air without adequate filtration. Taking steps to improve air quality reduces absences of both kids and staff.
We evaluate your needs and help you select equipment designed to tackle your specific indoor air quality concerns. So contact us today to improve your indoor air quality.
Estes Commercial serves commercial HVAC customers throughout Atlanta, including Kennesaw, Dunwoody, Decatur, Druid Hills, Buckhead and Sandy Springs.
You’ll also find our pros installing building automation systems, control upgrades and ventilation systems in places like Marietta, Johns Creek, Peachtree City, Fayetteville, Midtown, Roswell and Virginia Highland.