HVAC energy efficiency tips

5 HVAC Energy Efficiency Improvements for Your Building

Estes Services 

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Did you know that HVAC systems are one of the largest areas of energy consumption for a commercial building? In fact, according to the Department of Energy, HVAC accounts for 35% of total building energy use.

Thus, improving the energy efficiency of your HVAC equipment can be beneficial to your building performance and your bottom line. That's why, in this article, we will be sharing with you the top 5 HVAC energy improvements for your building.

We will talk about the importance of regularly scheduled maintenance and then move to more advanced improvement ideas, such as conducting an energy audit and making system upgrades.

#1) Ensure Regular and Proper Maintenance.

Regular preventative maintenance on your commercial HVAC equipment can improve its efficiency and performance. In fact, following certain maintenance practices, such as changing your HVAC filters, conducting leak checks, and cleaning your coils, can increase your energy savings.

A system that has not received proper maintenance will increase your energy costs and pose a risk to your day-to-day operations. Specifically, a system not maintained adequately by experienced Atlanta HVAC technicians can lead to a costly repair—or worse, a breakdown.

Having a Commercial HVAC Maintenance Membership Plan can help ensure that your equipment is running properly year-round and preventative maintenance practices are followed to improve energy efficiency, maintain effective performance, and extend equipment life.

#2) Conduct an Energy Audit

When was the last time your commercial building had an energy audit conducted? An energy audit is a professional assessment of the energy use in your building.

It can show you key data about your commercial HVAC systems, including energy consumption, energy loss, and the age of the system, among many items. In addition, local utility companies, such as Georgia Power, offer ASHRAE energy audits and ENERGY STAR audits.

If you would like a comprehensive look at the HVAC energy efficiency improvements to consider at your building, then you should have an energy audit conducted. Once complete, you should work with an experienced team of commercial HVAC contractors to fix and respond to the findings in the audit.

#3) Utilize Smart Technology

#3 on our list of HVAC energy efficiency improvements to consider is using smart technology, which allows you to gain a better understanding and control of your systems.

Your commercial HVAC equipment should be operating in the most energy-efficient setting. For example, it should not behave the same manner when the building is at full occupancy on the weekdays and when empty on the weekends.

Your equipment should adjust accordingly, and that's where smart technology can help. One simple solution, of course, is programmable, automated thermostats. Additionally, you should consider a building automation system which can control and monitor the energy use of your equipment.

#4) Respond to Repairs Promptly

While it may seem appealing to wait on a repair, think twice. The longer you defer, the more inefficient your equipment becomes and the more costly it will be to repair in the long run.

A simple HVAC energy efficiency improvement then is to not defer repairs for your HVAC systems. Respond to respond promptly.

#5) Make Upgrades or HVAC Replacement

Coming in at #5 on our list is making upgrades to your HVAC systems. There are several different HVAC upgrades to consider, which include improving your building envelope or adding HVAC zoning, for instance.

When it comes to your building envelope, it's essential to inspect your seals and insulation. For example, there could be a leak that has developed in your ductwork. If your building is older, you may also want to consider updating the insulation.

Furthermore, you may want to look into upgrading to high-efficiency commercial HVAC equipment. Commercial HVAC systems become less energy efficient as they age. They also tend to be more prone to breakdowns, which, in turn, can lead to unexpected operational disruptions and costly repairs.

That's why you may want to consider investing in new commercial HVAC equipment, which can significantly cut a building's energy consumption, versus the use of older, inefficient equipment. Our commercial HVAC installation experts at Estes Services can help you select the right system to meet the unique demands of your business.

Improve Your HVAC Energy Efficiency with Estes Services

That concludes our top 5 HVAC energy efficiency improvements that you should consider for your building. But, of course, it's always best to work with an experienced and qualified commercial HVAC contractor on such improvements, and that's why we are here to help.

Estes Services offers commercial HVAC services, including repair and replacement, to help you improve your building energy efficiency. In addition, we have been providing comfort solutions in the greater Atlanta area since 1949. It's that easy; it's Estes!

Schedule commercial service with us today.